1 | H. Ohno "Spintronics Devices for Integrated Circuits - an Overview" 1st CIES Technology Forum, March 19, 2015. |
2 | Tetsuo Endoh "Future Memory Technology with Vertical MOSFET and STT-MRAM for Ultra Low Power Systems" KCS (Korean Conference on Semiconductors) 2015, February 11, 2015. |
3 | H. Ohno "Nanoscale Magnetic Tunnel Junction" Nanyang Technological University, December 18, 2014. |
4 | S. Ikeda, H. Sato, H. Honjo, E. C. I. Enobio, S. Ishikawa, M. Yamanouchi, S. Fukami, S. Miura, S. Kanai, F. Matsukura, T. Endoh and H. Ohno "Perpendicular-anisotropy CoFeB-MgO based magnetic tunnel junctions scaling down to 1X nm" 2014 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), December 17, 2014. |
5 | H. Ohno "Korea University Special Seminar" Korea University, December 4, 2014. |
6 | H. Ohno "Nano-Scale Magnetic Tunnel Junction for Nonvolatile VLSIs" 2nd International Symposium on Functionality of Organized Nanostructures 2014 (FON' 14), November 27, 2014. |
7 | H. Ohno "Spintronics Materials and Devices for Nonvolatile VLSIs" 1st International Symposium on Interactive Materials Science Cadet Program (iSIMSC), November 19, 2014. |
8 | H. Ohno "Spintronics - recent advances" 4th imec-Stanford International Workshop on Resistive Memories, October 28, 2014. |
9 | S. Fukami, H. Sato, C. Zhang, and H. Ohno "Three-terminal nonvolatile spintronics memory device using spin-transfer torque and spin-orbit torque" 14th Non-Volatile Memory Technology Symposium (NVMTS 2014), October 28, 2014. |
10 | S. Fukami, H. Sato, S. DuttaGupta, C. Zhang, and H. Ohno "Two and Three-Terminal Spintronics Devices for Nonvolatile Memory and Logic" Eleventh International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD2014), October 8, 2014. |
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